It has been a while since I
blogged and a dear friend of mine pointed out that I am very ‘verbose’ and tend
to write very long blog posts. Of course at that point, I defended myself
rather aggressively, arguing that that is the style of my writing and so be it;
if people do not like reading it I quite don’t give a fig.
But no sooner did I delve deeper
into what had been critiqued about my rather flowery long writing, than did I
realize that this was the reason I don’t write that often, out of pure inertia,
because I had taken for granted that I have a particular style of writing and
that I shall obstinately stick to it followed by bouts of laziness to actually
write a blog post.
My critic also pointed out that
the name of my blog is quite contradictory to the posts in it; Panchee Chirps
are perhaps short little chirps and not long ‘verbose’ rants. Nonetheless, I am
a human-bird, I chirp, but am human and to err is to human and you my dear
readers are absolutely divine to forgive my obvious shortcoming. However having
said that, I shall endeavour to write shorter pieces, after all, embracing
change graciously while keeping ones originality intact is freedom.
This I’d say is a good start! Would you say that too?