Wednesday, 8 May 2013

The Key

There he is, quite a far from where I breathe
Those blithesome days, locked in the chambers of memory
They are chained, almost obscenely painful, for they won’t go
Urging them to leave, to unlock and be set free
Yet they won’t go

In them lives a young maiden;
Fearless & Shrewd
Hypocrisy runs in her blood. Too Cowardly for admittance.
Too drowned in her own image
Dissembling her heart, masking her passion, too conceited to stare at
Truth’s face

A few months of union failed to uncover his letter.
Though it read in stark words, ‘not a love letter’,
The foolish maiden, bought those words, for she was rich in vanity

The brunt of fait was borne by both
She took to black and he took to silence.
They say silence compliments black;
Fair job that it did and blew them apart
There was more silence, an awkward silence, a painful silence
And then came the master of all, the apathetic silence.

Apathy was the dagger straight into the maiden’s bosom
Murdered, silently. Pray, may this a secret stay!
The maiden long gone, was then born a Madam
Who stares in the eyes of truth, walks before any man unscathed

He smiles at the madam again, but tainted smiles don’t last
She smiles at him, bluntly, albeit will always
And thus it continues, the saga
He disappears, he appears, and in all these games,
He is the only player, for the madam retired,
Her attention is captured by the endeavour to seek
The Key, and be set free


  1. The world is oblivious to your past. Its behind the curtains. Flushed.

    Everything is what you want it to be. Now. And though fairy-tales are for the books, its interesting to note how you want to integrate with them.

    PS: I believe this comment seems a bit out of place.

  2. Dear Anonymous friend.. a fairy tale also must have originated from some speck of fact and truth.. only the tiniest of speck of sand has the potential to create the most wonderful pearls.. I strongly agree with what the kid wrote...

    You have to believe in something to make it happen... your belief shud be strong enough and your determination like diamond coated enamel...

    that the kid has expressed thru her words is a testimony of her faith and belief and balls... Rare quality and am confident of her suceess....

    Cheers !! would drink to that !!

  3. awiating ur posts.. n more blogs..

    1. Thanks for reading! I hope to write more interesting stuff.

  4. pls do..

    cos ur words are powerful and do leave a mark of your persona on the reader..



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